Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wine and Women

My grandpa was a well travelled old man

He had seen the world , its cities and towns

And the nuggets of wisdom that he shared with me

Were worth their weight in gold, pound by pound , ounce by ounce

Drink like a man and choose your drink like one

Your drink is your lady, wisely you must choose

For she changes your character, your attitude and your traits

As long as she stays with you, your woman and your booze

Hard grained liquor, like a strong willed woman

Sets you free, keeps you up and keeps up with you

She takes your worries, she brightens up your traits

For she is one secure lady who is proud of her brew

Weak women are insecure, their company ties you down

You want to fly, she holds you down and doesnt let you shine

A spirit so similiar, that spirit killing spirit, that trait dampening spirit

From squeaky grapes and gooey pulp that spirit is called wine

Grandpa was right, I realized that night, when I sat with a glass of wine

I had had 3 sips when I looked at the clock , the time was half past nine

At half past nine I heard some one speak, I thought I lost my chips

"Promise me you wont forget me", a girly voice said, "as you forgot the last 3 sips"

That was the weak woman , my good old man, had rightly warned me against

Brimming to the hilt with her "I need you" juices and ready with her complaint

She loves me I thought, she wants me I felt, but she wants to hold me tight

I felt so handcuffed , I felt so tied , my own self giving me a fight

I took up the glass and through the clear crystal I saw the lovely wine

I smashed it on the floor and looked at the clock , the time was half past nine

I felt so good , it was half past nine, I hadn't for a minute

Let her rule me, the mean weak woman, the villaness of this sonnet.......................................

Monday, July 6, 2009

Passing Shower's Love Bible

The Partystopper

Let me tell you the little secret madam. I can see the conspiracy.. I can see it very clearly. This party is a conspiracy.. The host isn’t the host and the people aren’t the invitees. We are all conspirators. We have conspired this plot so that we can have you with us..We wanted to bring you here because you bring happiness..you bring smiles to faces. You are the epitome of bliss, messenger of cheer and harbinger of joy.
You don’t seem to notice but everybody in the party is secretly or openly admiring you. Those who are shy are adoring you in whispered approvals. Those who are more confident are expressing their joy on the dance floor.
Men are dressed in their best and behaving noble because they want your attention. Women idolizingly envious are trying to imitate you. The DJ is playing ballads for you and people raising toasts to acknowledge you.
People are happy and people are gay because Hey! You made their day.
Look around.. Its your show..We are all bashful admirers and you our presiding deity..
Hail you Lady..

Passing Shower's Love Bible

5:23 - Enormous Eyes

I love my children..all of them..but, I have my favorites too..These are the people, I will endow with such enormous expressive eyes that they won’t have to practice any other form of communication or expression to convey a message to fellow human beings.
Those eyes will reflect the inner beauty of my favorite child, and fellow humanity will learn the virtues of truth, honesty, integrity and love through the " now silent now furious, last moment loving suddenly fiery" pair of beautiful eyes that I will bestow upon my cherished child.
It didn’t take me long to realize that u have the most beautiful heart because your eyes told me so. I could never say a hard word or utter a lie in front of you because I know that your eyes know it all..they know it all and they say that they know it all.
World is a bad bad place..corruption, deceit, hatred, violence, bloodshed..but I feel protected and I find justice still firm..coz I know that God has his eye on things through the eyes of his favorite child.